Business Model You® (BMY) Training
Vako Ferguson is a Management Consultant and Certified Practitioner in the Business Model You (BMY) methodology, a concept developed primarily by Tim Clark, which helps individuals and professionals to unlock the true value of the work they deliver. This training will help you to identify who you serve and who helps you to receive financial and other rewards for the intrinsic skills and talents you possess, amongst many others.
Lifetime Value
In a session of approximately 2 hours, you will go home with your own personal business model canvas and an appreciation of your unique value proposition, as well as the skill to assess changes in this model over time. This skill, undoubtedly, will guide you through the course of your life, as you take that next career step or embark on new journeys/transitions within your current workspace.

Iterative Feedback
As you develop your personal BMY canvas during our training session, you will receive continuous and repeated feedback about your thinking process from your trainer to enable you to fine tune your canvas. By the end of the session, you should have a robust map of your skills, target customers, costs and others to enable you to enhance your career journey. You would walk away with both your personal BMY canvas as well as a certificate of participation.